A frigid Winter and record snowfall is followed by a Spring with overflowing waterfalls and raging rivers. One area in particular that is drastically changed by the melting snow packs is the Danskin Mountains. A short drive from Boise on a long dirt road will take you on a hunt for multiple unnamed waterfalls, most of which you will only be able to see after a harsh winter.
After leaving Boise heading towards Mountain Home, exit at Blacks Creek Road and head east until the pavement ends. Keep following the road and avoid heading off on any side roads. An hour after you have left the freeway be on the look out for Willow Creek Trailhead. The real scenic journey begins here as the road climbs a steep cliffside. I would highly recommend a vehicle with 4-wheel drive for this leg of the journey but its not necessary if the weather conditions are good. If you want to stop at the trailhead and hike, just be warned that when waterfall season is good, the creeks often become rivers and the Willow Creek is no different. Typically this trail has multiple creek crossings and when the water is high the hike becomes nearly impossible.
As you gain altitude you will approach some stellar viewpoints of the South Fork of the Boise River. Stop and take it all in. If your visiting in early spring, the mountains will be a lush green.
When the road starts to descend be on the lookout for your first waterfall hidden on the opposite side of the river. This medium sized waterfall has cut its way into a rock face and is shaded by jagged sides.
After the first fall, you will see various unnamed runoffs. Look high in the mountains and the cliffside below. During our journey we ended up seeing around 7 waterfalls.
The biggest waterfall is located just 1 mile from passing a big ranch. It can easily be missed so drive slow and when you hit the cattle guard know your right on top of it. It is recommended to go past this to the open field to park and then walk back to get a closer view.
After seeing the main attraction you can turn around and head back to Boise or continue on another 30 minutes and loop through the tiny town of Prairie.
Now grab your buddies, hit the dirt road, and keep your eyes peeled for gratuitous amounts of waterfall action!

Chad can be summed up by his idea of a perfect day: Waking up early to watch the sunrise over the mountains, warm cup of coffee in hand then grabbing his camera and fly rod, hitting the trail to explore some uncharted territory followed by cold beers and campfire steaks. Chad is often joined on his adventures by his wife, Tori, and their dog, Kona.
2 Responses
Hi Chad, what is the location of that first waterfall photo (the one with two people hiking along a creek). We’ve done this drive quite a few times but I’m having a hard time figuring out where that one would be.
Hi Jennifer, so that picture was taken opposite the big waterfall. From the cattle guard I mentioned just head upstream on foot. It was maybe a 5-10 minute walk. Hope that helps!