The Bend Ale Trail

Tumalo Falls Just Outside Bend, OR

The Quest

The Bend Ale Trail will set you on a quest for a pint of achievement. The trick to acquiring said trophy is to visit 10 breweries in Bend, Oregon. If my memory serves correctly, there are 16 establishments on the Bend Ale Trail but only 10 are needed to win a prize. The best way to navigate the trail, in my opinion, is by bike, specifically mountain bike because much of the Ale Trail is up hill. There is no specified route to take so the important piece of equipment to remember is your map which you can pick up at any of the breweries. Or for a more hassle-free option, download the app.

Where to Start

I recommend starting in the heart of the city at McMenamins Old St. Francis School, where you can sip on a beer while wandering the transformed 1936 Catholic schoolhouse. The ringing of the school bell tells you its time to move along. (There isn’t an actual bell but that would be cool right?)

As the crow flies, the other breweries are no more than a few miles away. All the breweries along the trail are top notch, you won’t find any filthy dive bars on this tour (not that there is anything wrong with popping into a few dive bars for a cheap beer). I just mean each brewery is very unique. Take Crux Fermentation Project for example. Here you can take your beer outside and play corn-hole, washers and a variety of other lawn games. If you are traveling with non-beer lovers, they don’t have to feel confined to just hoppy goodness, the Ale Trail also has recommendations for ciders and wines.

Now Get Moving

Now grab your map, hop aboard your 10 speed, pop in those headphones, play a little “Eye of the Tiger” and get moving. And remember the carrot at the end of the stick is a nice cold beer, a free pint glass and the sweet feeling of accomplishment.