Well hello! We are trying something new…kinda. Our loyal email subscribers are already used to the getting our monthly round-up of outdoor articles, pictures, and videos. Today we bring it to the blog!
Read: Hiking Meetup Groups You Probably Shouldn’t Join
Spend enough time out on the trail and you are bound to encounter one of these groups. If you have hiked in the Boise Foothills, you will surely relate to encountering “The Biggest Weekly Hiking Meetup in the Metro Area” group and their total trail domination. Click here to read the rest of Brendan Leonard’s humorous article for Outside Magazine.
Listen: The Sky is Burning, Outside Podcast
Outside Magazine has a fantastic and informative podcast series called The Science of Survival. The series explains the science of dangerous situations you could face out in the wild through the narrative of an actual survivor. The episode, “The Sky is Burning”, tells the story of two kayakers trapped in the path of an unpredictable forest fire. The true story told by the survivors shows just how terrifying the experience was. But the episode also describes what is happening during the burning process and explaining scientific processes like what happens to the moisture in the plants as the fire spreads (I can’t explain what happens without spoiling the episode but it caught me by surprise). While the forest fire seems like the antagonist in the episode and we all know how devastating the wildfires can be, Outside does a great job of laying a foundation to explain how the fires are actually a good thing which they will explore in upcoming episodes.
Look: You Did Not Sleep There
For a long time, I have critiqued Instagram posts about camping (apologies to my wife for this annoying behavior). But I’m sorry, there is no way you set up a tent on that cliff and actually slept there. Any experienced outdoor person would know that is a terrible idea. You did it for the picture and although it’s a great photo, it sets unrealistic standards for people wanting to get into outdoor activities. Luckily @youdidnotsleepthere made a whole Instagram account dedicating to roasting these photos.
Watch: Katmai Bear Cam
I will gladly admit I lost way too many hours of my life to watching bears swim and catch salmon on the Katmai National Park Webcam. It’s addicting and I am only partially sorry for introducing it into your life.
What did I miss? If you have a photo, video or article you want to share leave a comment below, tweet at us, tag us on Instagram, or share with us on Facebook!

Chad can be summed up by his idea of a perfect day: Waking up early to watch the sunrise over the mountains, warm cup of coffee in hand then grabbing his camera and fly rod, hitting the trail to explore some uncharted territory followed by cold beers and campfire steaks. Chad is often joined on his adventures by his wife, Tori, and their dog, Kona.
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